The sign says Shepherd's Rest but it was anything but! Activities started on Friday night with a 60th birthday bash for Pat. She officially remained 59 until later that night but we celebrated anyway! A great meal was prepared by Diane, Lilly, Steve and Eileen. Thanks for the special treat.
The men all had the same Saturday morning plans as evidenced by the newspaper divided up and read. Note the styles of newspaper perusal....Steve is completely hidden!
Most of the gals piled in two cars and went on a four house home tour, (say that four times fast). The first house, built in 1914, had manicured gardens, a lake view and oodles of history. Most of us liked the "blackboard house". The next two homes were side by side occupied by "senior" and "junior" family members...none of us liked the junior house, so sterile in furnishings we couldn't have lived there for long. It was so "rest"ful we continued on to the Tea House. Naturally we donned hats that were waiting just inside the door. Looking pretty stylish, it was fun to pick from the wonderful menu, shop, and chat.
Sunday dawned sunny and warm. Our next "rest" stop was way up there at the new chapel about a zillion feet up. Gathering our strength prior to our breakfast, we trekked up the hill v e r y slowly. Gasping for breath, we reached the top for an inspirational service by pastor Mike with a stunning view of the lake in the background.
Breakfast was a hearty faire of egg dishes, fruit, pastry and juice. It sustained us for our next "rest" stop. We again piled in cars for the short drive to the Big Bear Lake Performing Arts Center. Henry Higgins bet he could make a lady of Eliza Doolittle....he transformed her right before our eyes in the classic play My Fair Lady. Wonderful production.
Judy had ordered delicious food to save us from scrambling after the play to get dinner on the table. It really hit the spot. At some point, the horseshoe tournament commenced with lots of cheering on the sidelines.
It may not have been too "rest"ful but the weekend was a blast of fun activities.
Scroll down for an added post of our adventures Monday morning.
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