When you are a blogger it is most important to bring a camera to the event you are blogging about. I didn't. Ordinarily, our Sept campout would have been reported here WITH PICTURES. Alas, my camera was left in my car at home. So, I begin with an apology to the Rabes who had a wonderful September weekend for us to enjoy. A new location, a train ride, soap making and great food, strolling peacocks for ambiance and HOT WEATHER. They set a prime example of first time wagonmasters.
Our weather has been strange, a cool summer, a few days of high temperatures and, for the past several weeks, cold, foggy drizzly days. Under cloudy skies the Irwins hosted our October campout at Yucaipa Regional Park. Normally, we can endure a bit of cool, especially after an extremely hot Sept Campout but....no fires were allowed in the area we were in. What to do? In desperation we improvised.

We planted two portable heaters in the center of our circle. We probably couldn't describe it as toasty, but, at least the word "warm" cropped up in the conversation every so often.

Saturday was a day of exploration. We went in different directions, to a quilt shop, scrapbook store, and apple festival, all fun.

On Sunday, we had a surprise birthday bash for five R Gangers celebrating "milestone" birthdays in the next couple months. Diane is the youngest at 60, Steve, Tom H are/will be 70, Darlene was celebrating her actual 75th birthday and Leo will be 80 in December. What a fun excuse to have a party.

The tallest "volunteered" to decorate. It was colorful and festive.
The Milestone birthday clan posed for a picture in front of a banner Eileen
made for the occasion.

How long had it been since we'd played Pin the Tail on the Donkey? This updated version
came with sticky tails and you can see below how accurate (?) the placements were. Note some of the tails were on the door....way off!

Leo proudly identifies his tail, the closest to the Donkey's tush.

We were drinking Leo's margaritas, perhaps that's why many tails went astray :)
Darlene thumbed her nose at all the celebrating in a unique way.
The clothespin was one of the gag gifts that Eileen and Steve brought to the birthday group.