The Harpers hosted the May campout at Guajome County Park. Ordinarily I'd say a great time was had by all however, below is proof it wasn't all that motivating for some of us.
For the second year in a row Pat brought her kiln and the gals had the fun of making glass sandwiches. These piles of colored glass, after roasting in 1,400 + degree heat, end up to be colorful pendants. The piles remain a mystery until they come out of the kiln, melted and transformed. In fact, it takes a bit of looking to recognize which creation you made. Thanks Pat, it was a lot of fun.
Here are the finished pieces.

Sunday morning dawned dull and rainy, .... the weather changed just in time for a bagel and egg breakfast. The sun played hide and seek in the clouds most of the weekend. Our jackets were on, then off, on and off, that's May in Southern California.